DesmogblogHours before President Obama leaves for the Copenhagen climate summit, Greenpeace activists deployed an emergency response team to declare the U.S. Chamber of Commerce headquarters a “Climate Policy Hostage Area,” and a “Global Warming Crime Scene.”
The Chamber has spent millions of dollars on misinformation campaigns and lobbyists working to derail Congressional efforts to pass climate and energy legislation. The lobby group’s efforts have therefore created a primary obstacle in the international negotiations, hampering the United States’ ability to commit to a science-based emissions reduction target and a fair, ambitious and binding treaty in Copenhagen.
Greenpeace activists arrived at the Chamber’s office building, which is directly across from the White House, in a fleet of climate emergency vehicles, including four squad cars from the “Climate Crime Unit” and an ambulance from the “Climate Emergency Response Unit.” The activists climbed 25-foot ladders and crisscrossed the building with oversized crime scene tape.
A Greenpeace statement laid out the rap sheet of charges against the U.S. Chamber, indicting the lobbying group for a series of climate crimes, including misinforming the public about climate change, stalling action on climate and energy legislation, and holding the international climate talks hostage.
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(The MSM haven't reported this but NPR did link to this article as its source,">here)
Here's video footage of what happened: