CSI Washington: Who Killed Drug Imports?
http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2009/12/17/csi-washington-who-killed-drug-importsBy Alicia Mundy
Washington has its share of murder mysteries, but the one that interests Sen. Byron Dorgan involves the untimely death of his amendment to allow cheaper prescription drug imports from Canada.
There are several sets of fingerprints in the Senate chamber where the legislation died, including some from the White House, says Dorgan, a North Dakota Democrat. “They did not support this,” and worked with Democratic Senate leaders to kill it in order to move the larger bill forward, he said in an interview. The amendment failed in the Senate Tuesday evening.
“It’s ironic that President
Obama campaigned for drug importation during the election,” said Dorgan, noting that Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, pushed it hard as an Illinois congressman. Dorgan said he can’t get answers from the administration about what’s going on, though he called the White House and FDA prior to the vote.