We were told that he had to leave early to avoid the oncoming winter storm in Washington DC, and he had to book out of there before the signing of the "meaningful agreement" that was reached, where the United States, China, India, Brazil and South Africa tonight agreed on not yet legally binding preliminary measures to control climate change.
As an obviously tired President Obama told about the laast minute deal they achieved, he also took a few questions from the audience.
The whole time I saw and watched I was thinking: " Hurry up, you'll miss your plane!"
Only a bit later, as I saw him go up the long long gangway to the plane's door did it occur to me that this is "his" plane. It leaves when HE is ready. He can answer any question he wants, and that plane just sits there til his lanky frame comes in the door.
Then I thought to myself, this man with such power and props can all but walk on water if he so choses. The Liebermans, the Blue Dogs, the rabid teabaggers can be overcome, and can be outwitted and can be overruled. Guantanamo could already be done according to the promises. We could be out of Iraq, and be rid of Don't ask Don't tell, we could be bringing so many good constructive things to Afghanistan, instead of more destructive war and more of our precious soldiers.
We could be looking at a President who takes that plane to the states where Olberman organized the free clinics, and he could have town hall meetings to stir up the people who overwhelmingly want single payer or at least a strong public option for choice, so they stand up to their Blue Dog representatives and persevere in scaring them about their re-election.
He could state his own position on the issue clearly and without equivocation so we the people really know it. I believe in what I see done, not what I hear said, yet he is not saying, and what he is doing is not good enough.
I apologize to my more verbal fellow DUers, I may well sound simplistic but my heart and mind say that to a person with that big a plane these things are possible.
He has what it takes, he has the power, the mind, the heart, and has promised to do it, so I wait and watch. What I see is gentlemanly demeanor and weak involvement and I hear impressive speeches.
Maybe we should put him on a bike, or on one of our rare trains, so he is a bit closer to us whom he so wowed in the campaign.
We are out here, we are staking our claims to a more recognizable version of the promised land. We are too injured from what we have been through for further damage to our psyche, our country, our hopes and dreams.
You are on that big plane right now coming back home. You owe us, President Obama. We, your weakening base, are waiting.