Politicians rank low on 'public good' poll
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 (UPI) -- Most U.S. residents hold a deep-seated distrust of politicians when it comes to promoting the public good, a poll indicates.
The results of the second Tiller Social Action Survey, released Friday in Washington by Tiller LLC, an advocacy marketing consultancy, showed only 16 percent of respondents believe "politicians set a good example for the rest of us when it comes to public service."
When asked whose intentions they are most skeptical about relative to good works, 59 percent of survey respondents cited politicians, followed by business leaders (9 percent), celebrities/entertainers (9 percent) and religious leaders (8 percent), the group said in a release.
"It is hugely ironic that politicians -- who are, at least nominally, public servants -- should be viewed so skeptically," said Tiller Chief Executive Officer Rob Densen.
"Our surveys have consistently pointed to a profound public suspicion about politicians and their motivations. The notion of politicians as public servants is bordering on the oxymoronic. In general, politicians are perceived as having done precious little to support our inclination to good works."