As I've been contacted by a number of DU'ers as well as some bloggers who have been horrified at my earlier post, "How to postpone the 2010 elections until 2011," I have decided to rescind my support for postponing the 2010 Congressional election cycle-reluctantly. To mess with democracy, at LEAST what little democracy we have since the republican thugs have hijacked the law of the land, is ultimately not in the best interest of this country. But I say this... since the repugs have taken over the country, then, by definition, democracy does NOT EXIST...therefore, the law of the land is, indeed, NO MORE.
By Gaea, how the HELL do we have a supermajority in both the Senate and the House, the presidency, and most of the country, and are having THIS MANY PROBLEMS? This was the impetus behind my earlier post. NOT the fact that we needed to undermine the democratic process, but that we needed to SAVE it, by temporarily SUSPENDING it. That is key to the whole point. The republicans do it routinely to protect their elite wealth, global corruption, and secret coverups; why can't WE do it to protect the interests of the vast majority of American and global citizens relatively small wealth, global cooperation, and open debate?
"Et tu, Brute."
So goes the saying... but I have another one. If you can't stand the heat, GET THE HELL OUT OF THE INCINERATOR!!
For the past nine months, I've been trying to figure out the best vehicle for engaging the repugs on THEIR terms... outside the walls of civilized democracy. I SEETHE HATRED with every bit of my being. I not only believe, but have proven beyond ALL doubt that the republican party is OUTSIDE the laws of civilized democracy, but is, in fact the ABSOLUTELY MOST EVIL ORGANIZATION in the HISTORY OF HUMANTY. I don't yell in caps often, but damn it!! Do I have to get a sledge hammer and POUND SOME FREAKIN' SENSE INTO PEOPLE???
Keep in mind: I have never advocated ILLEGAL activity with any of my propositions. I advocated using the relatively unknown, but perfectly legal tools we had to subvert the overtly criminal acts of the republican party. It is perfectly ACCEPTABLE to advocate a postponement of on election, for instance, as LONG as it is legal and can be conducted within the constraints of either the Constitution, or the legal arrangements we can make with the court system. That is key. But alas...
I have decided, therefore, to take myself off of DU for blogging and for activating elements to destroy the republican party. While most of you agree with the REASONS I want to destroy the republican party, FEW of you wish to agree with me on the METHOD of destruction. That is regrettable, but I guess that's what most people want...to be led, not to lead, or to truly involve themselves in this very visible, active war on democracy.
Thank you for letting me post here. I will be consolidating the last nine months of work in my new space on blogger. Good luck, and remember...
"Until it is banned, the Republican Party is, has been, and always will be... America's Ultimate Hate Crime Against Humanity."