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I know there are anarcho-capitalists and libertarian socialists, but what about centre-libertarians?

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BolivarianHero Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-19-09 05:19 PM
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I know there are anarcho-capitalists and libertarian socialists, but what about centre-libertarians?
When I think of a centrist libertarian, I tend to think of people who believe that information and knowledge should be free and universally accessible (i.e. things like open-source software and Wikipedia vs. closed-source software and traditional encyclopedias), that infrastructure should be held in the commons, but that aside from that, the free-market should retain primacy in economic affairs. It's a view I have issues with as a socialist (in that it fails to address important structural inequalities), but to me it represents a maturation of non-leftist libertarian thought beyond the Randroid-Paultard mentality, and comes across as being a mature, sophisticated, pragmatic, and logically defensible stream of political thought in that recognizes the threat that private actors and non-governmental institutions can pose to civil and political liberties and attempts to account for it in the ways in which it views the world.
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ixion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-19-09 06:10 PM
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1. I'm close to a centre-libertarian, I guess you could say
I understand the need for a common infrastructure. I think we could do it on a fraction of what we collect in taxes right now.

I don't think the government should be able to legislate morality beyond violent crime.

I generally think they should stay out of people's lives, unless those people ask for help.

I'd like to reinstate the idea of civil servant, and de-glamourize government. It should not be a career path. It should be something that people take turns doing, and it would be nothing more than facilitation of common infrastructure.

Just my two cents.
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