When Scott Roeder appears in court next week for a pre-trial hearing, a legal case about racial diversity may help guide the judge. Roeder is accused of killing Wichita abortion doctor George Tiller earlier this year.
The case involves how jurors are picked. Roeder's defense plans to ask judge Warren Wilburt next week not to allow prosecutors to strike jurors out of the pool based on their views on abortion alone. It's an uphill battle that will likely be hard to prove.
"It's a case where the prosecution perempted, or challenged without any reason, all African-Americans who were on the jury panel," said legal analyst Warner Eisenbise.
The question is, will that same reasoning translate into jurors views on abortion? A motion hearing scheduled for next week in Roeder's case will deal with how jurors are picked. With the political implications of the subject, Roeder's attorneys don't want the prosecution to be allowed to strike potential jurors based solely on their views about abortion.
http://www.kake.com/news/headlines/79695242.htmlScott Roeder plans on using a defense that says it was justified to murder Tiller because he thought that abortion should be illegal. A verdict of "not guilty" means that the rule of law will be thrown out the window and you might as well hand the Constitution over to Randall Terry so he can light it up and smoke it.