There is nothing in the language that suggests that - indeed, it is very clear that 'qualified health plans' may be prohibited by the States from offering abortion coverage through the Exchange. Said plans may also, at their discretion, choose not to offer abortion coverage - so abortion is outside the realm of comprehensive coverage, since they can choose not to cover it. I have copied the definition of 'qualified health plan' below, as it is important to understand that it does not refer only to plans that are offering federally funded subsidized premiums, but to ALL insurance companies that will operate within the Exchanges.
(1) IN GENERAL.A State may elect to prohibit abortion coverage in qualified health plans offered through an Exchange in such State if such State enacts a law to provide for such prohibition.
(2) TERMINATION OF OPT OUT.A State may repeal a law described in paragraph (1) and provide for the offering of such services through the Exchange.
(A) IN GENERAL.Notwithstanding any other provision of this title (or any amendment made by this title)
(i) nothing in this title (or any amendment made by this title), shall be construed to require a qualified health plan to provide coverage of services described in subparagraph (B)(i) or (B)(ii) as part of its essential health benefits for any plan
year; and
(ii) subject to subsection (a), the issuer of a qualified health plan shall determine whether or not the plan provides coverage of services described in subparagraph (B)(i) or (B)(ii) as part of such benefits for the plan year.
This section is the reiteration of the Hyde Amendment but goes a step further by allowing insurance companies within the Exchanges to CHOOSE to not offer coverage EVEN IF the procedure is allowed under Federal law (i.e., rape and life of mother). Note that this section specifically refers to the expenditure of Federal funds, while the preceding section only refers to 'qualified health plan'.
(i) ABORTIONS FOR WHICH PUBLIC FUNDING IS PROHIBITED.The services described in this clause are abortions for which the expenditure of Federal funds appropriated for the Department of Health and Human Services is not permitted, based on the law as in effect as of the date that is 6 months before the beginning of the plan year involved.
(ii) ABORTIONS FOR WHICH PUBLIC FUNDING IS ALLOWED.The services described in this clause are abortions for which the expenditure of Federal funds appropriated for the Department of Health and Human Services is permitted, based on the law as in effect as of the date that is 6 months before the beginning of the plan year involved.
A "qualified health plan" is not a special plan that offers federally subsidized premiums. It is, by definition, any plan that applies and is accepted to operate within the "exchange" in each state.
IN GENERAL.The Exchange shall require health plans seeking certification as qualified health plans to submit to the Exchange, the Secretary, the State insurance commissioner, and make available to the public, accurate and timely disclosure of the following information:
(i) Claims payment policies and practices.
(ii) Periodic financial disclosures.
(iii) Data on enrollment.
(iv) Data on disenrollment.
(v) Data on the number of claims that are denied.
(vi) Data on rating practices.
(vii) Information on cost-sharing and payments with respect to any out-of-network coverage.
(viii) Information on enrollee and participant rights under this title.
(ix) Other information as determined appropriate by the Secretary.