DK Supporters: Is there a way to contact him directly
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Sun Dec-20-09 06:04 AM
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DK Supporters: Is there a way to contact him directly |
Without the filter of his staffers being in between? I wanted to write a private letter to him, but I'd like to know that he reads it.
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Sun Dec-20-09 06:09 AM
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1. There is a volunteer that answers letters from his website |
gail.heyn {at}
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Sun Dec-20-09 06:29 AM
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2. Thanks for that, eridani, it's much appreciated |
On another note, I see that the Unrec Gestapo is out in force tonight. Ask a simple question, get unrec'd into the basement. Nice job, assholes.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:01 PM
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