GOP's New Prayer Guru Says Gays Possessed By Demons
Posted by Bruce Wilson, AlterNet at 1:43 PM on December 19, 2009.
Lou Engle has led GOP Senators in nationally broadcast prayer and anointed Huckabee and GingrichAs the Rachel Maddow Show has recently showcased, on December 16th the Family Research Council sponsored a "Prayercast" event, attended by GOP luminaries including Senators Jim DeMint and Sam Brownback, and House Representatives Michelle Bachmann and Randy Forbes. But FRC head Tony Perkins did not lead the prayer event. That honor fell to Lou Engle, Founder of TheCall. Besides leading the capstone stadium rally for pro-Proposition 8, antigay marriage organizers last November 1, 2008 at San Diego's Qualcomm Stadium, Lou Engle could also be found, at a special ceremony at a Virginia Beach megachurch last summer, anointing and blessing GOP presidential hopefuls Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich.
Meet the Republican Party's new spiritual guru, Lou Engle:
(below: excerpt from 2007 Engle Los Vegas speech. see here for extended transcript.)
"My son Jesse, he's nineteen years old. God has given him dreams, to go to San Francisco to launch a house of prayer, one block from the Castro District - where the homosexuals boast the dominion of darkness. He's going there with weeping in his heart. With the dream that prayer is stronger than the dominion of that spirit.
...He said to me, "dad," he said, "as long as I'm there I don't think the Lord will judge San Francisco." (boos, angry murmur from Engle's audience)...
He's nineteen years old. He's starting to cast out homosexual spirits out of our new converts. It's scary as hell. The whole thing's scary. But fathers are to send their sons into the darkest places."
(below: longer excerpt from Engle's Sept. 25, 2007 sermon)
http://www.alternet.org/blogs/peek/144689/gop%27s_new_prayer_guru_says_gays_possessed_by_demons/Is Lou Engle on the road to being the Republican Party's semi-official prayer leader ? That would be notable for many reasons - not the least of which is that Engle appears to condone, if not encourage, religious terrorism and has stated that homosexuals are gay because they are possessed by demon spirits.
In previous stories (1, 2) I've detailed Lou Engle's political extremity - video from a November 1, 2008 TheCall event shows Engle onstage at San Diego's Qualcomm Stadium calling for acts of Christian martyrdom to stop legal abortion and gay marriage. Engle has forecast that legalized abortion will lead to a second American civil war and appeared, in the documentary "Jesus Camp," alongside Becky Fischer - who specializes in evangelizing children and has stated she would like Christian children to learn to be as dedicated as Hamas suicide bombers. ...........(more)
The complete piece is at: