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Palin lies in book about threats to her daughters at school.

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mwb970 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-20-09 08:31 AM
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Palin lies in book about threats to her daughters at school.
I know, I know, enough with the Palincrap. So unrec this thread if you must. But this revelation got to me for some reason, maybe because it so well embodies the two key elements of St. Sarah's appeal to the mindless: (1) it's apparently a lie; (2) it portrays her as a helpless victim. Here's the story:

Claims by Palin in memoir raise local questions
Officials: No record of threats on daughters Willow and Bristol

(, December 20, 2009)

Former Gov. Sarah Palin, who has had a rocky relationship with the state's capital city, says in her book there were some ugly threats made against her daughters while they were attending Juneau schools. Those threats reportedly caused daughter Willow Palin to be removed from the Juneau School District. Palin said it ended the "honeymoon" for her kids in their new role as children of the state's governor, though she admitted the honeymoon had already ended for her.

The alleged threats made against Palin's daughters are raising questions among officials who would likely have been made aware of them at the time, had they been made or had Palin taken them seriously.


Former Juneau School District Superintendent Peggy Cowan was superintendent during the period in question and said she never heard of such concerns. "That was never reported to my office," she said. "I am completely confident that I never heard that." Cowan was contacted in Barrow, where she is now the superintendent at the North Slope Borough School District. Had a report been made to Juneau schools, Cowan said she would have worked with the principals at the schools to determine how seriously the threats should be taken and how to ensure the safety of the children.

Juneau Police Chief Greg Browning similarly said his department has no record of ever being alerted to such threats. His department's school resource officers are in Juneau schools daily, and would likely have been alerted to such threats, had they been made, he said. The Alaska State Troopers provide a security detail for Palin, but trooper spokeswoman Megan Peters said the first they heard about the allegation was from Palin's book. "AST has no record of a report like that being made to our agency," Peters said. "Additionally, we have no way of determining if a report of that nature was made to another agency."

Some "threats"! Assuming they even occurred, they were not important enough to even tell anyone about at the time, but now give Palin yet another chance to pull out her theatrical props - er, her children, I mean - to establish what an exquisitely victimized person she is and has always been.

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-20-09 08:37 AM
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1. This is gross if it (I can't even say 'she' because she didn't write it, but
did okay the book)is proved true. I hope the school district would consider suing the crap out of her for lying. Now that I'd read about!
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no_hypocrisy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-20-09 08:52 AM
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2. Here's the link.
Edited on Sun Dec-20-09 08:56 AM by no_hypocrisy

If in fact there were threats, the Palins had a duty to file a report with the schools and the authorities to investigate and possibly prosecute. And if they didn't (apparently), they went "rogue" by just pulling their daughters out of the school, not trusting government or any public authority to help them.
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malaise Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-20-09 08:58 AM
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3. We already know that she's a pathological LIAR
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LiberalFighter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-20-09 09:18 AM
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4. eYou can't be considered important unless threats are made against you or your family.
She was probably pissed that no one really wanted to threaten her and had to make it up later.
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WeDidIt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-20-09 09:23 AM
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5. She's playing up to that bullshit that she's a "modern day Esther"
She's a fucking con woman, and she's playing her marks perfectly.
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girl gone mad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-20-09 09:29 AM
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6. Sick of hearing about this person.
She's irrelevant.
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peekaloo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-20-09 09:33 AM
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7. "Now Willow, if you don't study hard you'll be left behind."
A threat to her Rapture worthiness?

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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-20-09 09:47 AM
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8. K&R big #5 !1 n/t
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DeschutesRiver Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-20-09 09:50 AM
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9. Bet she did make it up - because if her kids had truly been threatened
so much that she had to remove Willow and place her elsewhere, Palin wouldn't have let it gone unknown, as she loves to play victim to people who pick on her or her little family.

I remember how long and hard she and Tawd went after that brother-in-law AST - there was no time or expense spared in running him to ground for all of her petty reasons. She made complaint after complaint over this issue, including claiming that Wooten threatened her family. Okay, so her kids are being threatened so much that she pulls them from school, but she failed to make the district aware and didn't even file a single complaint? Didn't even pick up the phone?

Nope. Never happened. There was probably a convenience issue for Palin's schedule that required Willow to be moved from the district, and that kind of reason won't elicit the same sympathy as pretending it was threats that caused the kid to be moved. Palin can get far more mileage if she pretends there were threats, rather than admitting that there were problems with her schedule that required Willow be moved. Absentee parent is just not as sellable to right wing fundies as "momma bear protecting young, yet again...".

I'd bet she needed someone to watch Willow after school hours, and whoever was tagged with doing this wasn't near the Juneau school district, so she tossed the kid closer to the caretaker. Palin is nothing more than a birth giver, and is a total flake at being a parent - Willow was lucky she didn't end up eating her young.
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