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Trumka: Senate Bill As Is Will Die In The House

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kpete Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-18-09 08:53 AM
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Trumka: Senate Bill As Is Will Die In The House
Source: Huffington Post

The head of the most powerful union group in the country said on Thursday that the Senate version of the health care bill will not survive a vote in the House without substantial changes.

Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, told the Huffington Post that both he and his members are "extremely disappointed" with the compromises conservative Democrats extracted from Senate leaders. Rather than formally opposing the bill, he expressed confidence that it will change before passage

"If the Senate bill in its current form went to the House it would go down," he declared.

"I can tell you this," he added. "The plan as it currently is would not get much support from the American worker unless it is improved.

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MNDemNY Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-18-09 08:57 AM
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1. Good back-up, but kill it now, to be sure.
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shadowknows69 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-18-09 09:44 AM
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2. Flush this turd of a bill K+R
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Larkspur Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-18-09 09:57 AM
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3. Is the White House going to label Trumka "insane"?
Axelrod is backing off his "insane" remark about Howard Dean as progressive bloggers ask him if Sen. Ben Nelson is insane.

Atrios to Axelrod -- Is Ben Nelson Insane?

Axelrod Responds to Atrios
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saigon68 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-20-09 04:21 AM
Response to Reply #3
6. Axelrod will be out of work in 2012
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Laelth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-18-09 10:20 AM
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4. k&r for labor. n/t

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PATRICK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-19-09 10:13 AM
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5. This should be one helluva reconciliation
IF the WH backs the House in their version of the bill then it has the headache of the final passage in the senate- when the senate has not given an inch of key prospects for Medicare or the PO. I suspect the House will be severely co-opted instead to accommodate the sorry state the Senate posture has been left in. I think it has become more a process downward to strip away more and more(except the anti-abortion foolery) left to the graces of a basically unchallenged fringe obstructionist group dedicated to health care profits(let everyone perish and the heavens fall).

The grand strategy might STILL be to continue the reverse psychology of having the good bill come out of a painfully warped and skewed to the HC industry feint. It certainly was the ugliest way to go under the pretense that we have an actual parity government and weak public support for health care. The game of catering to the few caters to the entire corporate politician thinkset, based on illusions fostered by MSM 24/7 self-fulfilling propaganda and rigged voting. The entire process from the Clinton victory on has been for progress through regression which has been total surrender to insanity that at least has a simple to understand motivation itself(pure greed). You can accomplish a lot through regression since evil reluctantly agrees to what it indeed wants. It is just hard to tell who is crazier or more needlessly destructive.

The original Social Security act was indeed ugly with entrenched GOP and corporate dynasties gaming the depression for the downside. Who has learned or "progressed" since those days of camels noses under elite tents? Medicare has stood for decades without a glimmer or whimper of the heady realization lately born that "Medicare for ALL" both encapsulated and contained the entire political and economic answer. It is still repressed even as the majority spreads it word of mouth easily to all except those naturally and driven suicidally insane. This supposed emulation of the FDR and Clintonian past has turned the debate from all or nothing to another grim and likely several decades long compromise that the experience with medicare suppression has promised more than SS success under a long Dem entrenchment frankly due to WWII.

Is there time for this softening and compromise with canny Scrooges and the soft hope that typified a sort of global awakening under Clinton- that the crap can end and people can live together and have it reasonably all? No. Will it happen as in the past when only the bad guys are free to evolve their tactics of diversion, suppression and profiteering? When that mask of naivete is worn by a supposed "middle" ruling government? When the processes of reform outside of mass internet communications are diffracted like light through a prism?

Real HC reform as with peace or regulation of greed could only really begin with election and campaign finance stringent reforms(as have been done in the past under lesser times of peril). This backward double talk dancing show is mindlessly entertaining and wrenching. Can it work? For sane reform, I mean. Since it costs more in lives and needless suffering than the possibilities of the un-allowed straightforward approach can it ever be appreciated if indeed it turns out happy days are here again as we alone clearly hope for?

Progress through elite criminal rule, through regressive weak politics, through bypassing reform and entrenching corporatism and criminal tyranny, through hampering Law, ignoring basic biological survival indefinitely.

The one thing sure was that the role of super party that the parity Dems have forsworn spawned backward a new political opposition and perhaps third parties that will prove holy hell for America in some way or anther but especially for the squandered Real political advantages of the simplest, easiest popular reforms. Only simple and simply perceived Corruption has kept party leadership acting weak and crazy.
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