The awful truth of being in the majority is that pesky responsibility to the country and not just the base.
The beauty of the minority is you play to the base, cater to their every whim, pull them close and smother them with partisan platitudes.
It's not easy being in control.
You are bound to piss somebody off, alienate those who supported your cause...
A salient question is this; why, when the democrats, win does it always seem to be the progressives who come out in the short end, and why, when the republicans win, the conservatives actually win...
I kind of think it has to do with money and capitalism (AS IF) but I also think being conservative in this day and age is far simpler than being a progressive or even just a liberal.
Conservatives are trained from birth, it seems, to utter one word and one word emphatically, NO! As in no to any new programs that will help individuals who are down on their luck, it's their fault, isn't it. No as in the less regulation the better, the market always comes up with the right answer...
We all basked in November slid into December, started to get a little concerned as the appointments dripped out and then promises met policy met not a good prognosis for progressives.
Progressive ask why and try to make it better, conservative ask why bother with anything, in fact let's be no bother to the market place...
And so it goes...
They like to say this is a conservative country. Well, the people in power, whether captains of industry and finance or politics, are going to fight tooth and nail to conserve what is theirs. They will fight to the symbolic death. For them the only progress they like is when it goes their way. Progress for the rest of us is anathema to them (Ayn Rand reference)...