I enjoy a good flame war as much as the next Democrat. It's what we do best sometimes. In some cases, it can relieve stress and give lots of people a chance to use humor to douse the flame war into a fun thread. I've seen that happen and it is a beautiful thing when it does happen.
It keeps us feisty. Who doesn't WANT to be feisty when it counts?
In a way, it is like brothers and sisters fighting. We might fight amongst ourselves and really go at it like we are killing each other, but heaven help a Republican who tries to mess with us. That's when we close ranks and fight together against whatever extremely offensive thing the Republican has said or done. That can be a positive thing. For reference, the thread about what Senator McCain said about Senator Kennedy or any of the threads about what happened when Senator Byrd was on his way to the Senate the other night and some Republican wanted to pray for horrible things to happen to "his enemies." On that thread, I'm sure we all agreed that was horrendous.
There are parts of this bill we all agree are horrible, but until we start to digest the breadth and scope of everything in the bill as it affects each of us personally, some civilized conversation without name calling would be more helpful to everyone around.
I'm not saying don't let people vent. If it was my decision, everyone should be allowed to vent and really point out the good, the bad, and the ugly and duke it out until everyone gets tired and starts just talking to each other. That's when things actually start to get better. That's when we get stronger.
Each of us has to come to terms with this on our own. As we learn more, we know what ticks us off and what may be good. But, instead of fighting too much (although I, personally, like
some fighting :evilgrin: ), we should have some conversations and share information as soon as that information is verified.
There has been some spin and some articles that are misleading and there have been some informative pieces of information. Until each of us reconciles the awful anti-choice amendments with the rest of the bills, we need to be allowed to think at our own pace and learn and understand at our own pace.
For me, sometimes sleeping on any new piece of information I learn can help me come to a better conclusion of what my opinion is. It certainly works better than being called a FReeper ever will. That might not be the same for everybody, but we do each come to our conclusions as we face this thing.
I don't even know if you and I agree on this thing, and to be honest, at this point, it doesn't matter. It's a done deal for the most part. All we can do now is write, call, and/or email everyone in the Senate and try to get the message across to stop monkeying around with Roe V. Wade and start explaining to us some of this immense change that's being thrown at us.
So, now I'm just going to try to figure out what is going on. You may know way more than I do or we may complement each other in what we understand so far.
I'm one of the uninsured who hasn't been insured since I was 18 years old. That's 21 years of my life with no health insurance. No Medicaid, no Medicare, no supplemental health help or anything.
I'm what is called Self-Pay here in my area. It means I take the check card (or cash, that green stuff, ya know) and fork it over to the doctor, hospital, or dentist after they get done checking me out and renewing my prescriptions. It's big drain on my already woefully inadequate budget.
Will this new piece of legislation help me? Right now, I don't know. I did find this calculator, although I cannot tell for sure if it is 100% accurate.
http://healthreform.kff.org/SubsidyCalculator.aspxIf this calculator is the real deal, rough estimate, checking tool to see where I stand, it will depend on if Medicaid eligibility is standardized instead of varying wildly and horribly from state to state, as it is currently. If the states are still allowed to set their own requirements as to who can receive Medicaid, I am so fucked.
According to my personal information that I entered into the calculator, in both the House bill and the Senate bill, it said Medicaid was my Subsidy plan, payment, premium, all the way down the list.
So, if North Carolina doesn't want to offer Medicaid to people below the poverty line who have no children (which is how NC has it right now), I have a ton of questions to ask about that. Most importantly, what the fuck do I do now? Geez, this is the one time, I'd kinda hate to be the 4% that isn't included, especially if it means I almost got my hopes up for nothing. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised instead of dismally disappointed.
From some reading I have done this morning, I learned a couple in Alabama with kids, cannot get Medicaid if they make more than approximately $2400 per year. :wow: That is horrible.
I knew some people on DU were claiming that just being poor would make you eligible for Medicaid. I also knew that wasn't true for North Carolina, where I live. Been there, tried that, tough shit, no dice, not happening. What I did not know was that there is a real disparity from state to state and in some states, it's damn near impossible.
For me, if NC is still allowed to keep the same Medicaid eligibility requirements, and if that calculator is correct, and I still have a mandate I am forced to go on, who the fuck is going to be my date on this little excursion into uncharted waters. He'd better have a damn good tackle box, cause I ain't going on no date with a man unless he'll take me fishing, dammit...and to be honest, I'd rather have a womandate. (bad bad bad attempt at humor, I'm sorry)
Sorry this is so long, but, I do agree that we should each be allowed to think this through and come to our own understanding of it and see what they throw at us.
One thing I do know about the Democratic Party: we don't like to be forced to do anything. And we don't like shit shoved down our throats by high pitched salesmen who are trying to beat us over the head with a club to sell us something. We don't like threats and intimidation. We've just had 8 years of that and don't want any more. All fulled up, we don't need any more of that. We are a freedom loving people and we don't intend to change now. Give us some time to think, already.