Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid,
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,
all members of the Senate and House,
and President Barack Obama (and key Administration officials)
We write in strong opposition to proposals to create an entitlements or deficit-reduction commission that would override the normal legislative process and replace it with expedited procedures prohibiting amendments and limiting debate.
Those supporting this circumvention of the normal process have stated openly the desire to avoid political accountability. Americans -- seniors, women, working families, people with disabilities, young adults, children, people of color, veterans, communities of faith and others -- expect their elected representatives to be responsible and accountable for shaping such significant, far-reaching legislation.
Any deficit reduction measures should be carried out in a responsible manner, providing a fairer tax system and strengthening -- rather than slashing -- Social Security, Medicare and other programs that are vital to the middle class." And as unemployment continues to grow, we need a real debate about how to balance the need for economic recovery and productive public investment with the goal of long-term budget responsibility. The American people are likely to view any kind of expedited procedure, where most members are sidelined to a single take-it-or-leave-it vote, as a hidden process aimed at eviscerating vital programs and productive investment.
As you know, the current effort to reform the health care sector seeks to achieve reductions in Medicare spending - without cutting benefits.
But the proposed budget commission - which will be viewed as a way to actually cut Medicare benefits, while insulating lawmakers from political fallout - could confuse people and undermine the reform effort. And an American public that only recently rejected privatization of Social Security will undoubtedly be suspicious of a process that shuts them out of all decisions regarding the future of a retirement system that's served them well in the current financial crisis.We urge you to act decisively to prevent the creation of such an extraordinary and undemocratic budget commission.
AFL-CIO - American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations
AFSCME - American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Alliance for Retired Americans
American Association of University Women
Campaign for America's Future
Mothers Initiative
National Association of Mother Centers
National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare
National Council of Women's Organizations
National Organization for Women
National Senior Citizens Law Center
National Women's Law Center
OWL - The Voice of Midlife and Older Women
Pension Rights Center
SEIU - Service Employees International Union
Wider Opportunity for Women
Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement
The Women's Research and Education Institute labeling groups solidly on the left as freepers and teabaggers doesn't make you a progressive.