I have my suspicions about all this, but I was hoping someone who's more "dialed in" could either confirm or disprove them. In order to provide you with some background, you should know that my wife's father is a blatant cheerleader for the Republican Party. Everything they tell him to do, he does; everything they tell him to believe, he believes. He watches Faux News 24 hours a day (literally, since he's retired, all he does is sit at home with the TV on, and it's always tuned to Faux News) and looks for any opportunity he can find to drop their talking points into a conversation. He believes that George W. Bush is the best thing that ever happened to this country, and he does irrational things, like buy right-wing books despite the fact that he never reads books (just the local newspaper). In short, he's a common dupe/tool/lemming of the Republican Party. If Rush Limbaugh told people to cut off their hands, he'd be on his way out to the tool shed to get an axe right now. OK, so that's the background.
When my wife asked him what he wanted for Christmas a few weeks ago, the only thing he could come up with was the Susan Boyle CD. OK, most of you are probably saying, "Well, that doesn't sound all that unusual. Lots of people like her music." Except for one thing: my wife's father NEVER listens to music (in the house, it's nothing but TV tuned to Faux News, and in the car, it's nothing but right-wing talk radio), and I'm pretty certain that Susan Boyle's music wouldn't be his cup of tea anyway. So, when she told me this news, I initially was puzzled. Then I suspected he was just being true to his roots, and that someone on Faux News had told their viewers to all go out and buy the Susan Boyle CD for some strange reason. I still have my suspicions that this is one of those, "they told me to buy it and I must obey" kind of things, but I'm looking for some confirmation.
Does anyone here know what connection, if any, there is between Faux News, the right-wing, and the Susan Boyle CD? My gut tells me that there MUST be some connection.