And some have toppled it, despite all odds. I lived in the horse shit corrupt nation of Venezuela when the morons from the Christian democrats and Social Democrats played politics with everything. Lazy ass corruption. Nepotism. Pretending they "nationalize" things. No control over cheap ass products.
You know what? Those downtrodden didn't quit. I saw the first marches of the "sin casa". I saw those two parties laughing at them and spitting on them. I remembered something from Cuba. The army that marches for free, wins!
And today you don't have those corrupt parties. Sure you read lots of shit about Chávez, Sure he makes some mistakes. That will be all you hear about. If he does 100 great things in a week and two stupid things, which ones will they tell you? and what they hope you will never ever understand if they drown out everything except Chávez is a dictator, is how did they accomplish that by knocking two of those most historical corrupt and powerful political parties in our hemisphere. Imagine if you could do that here!
Our president talks a lot. His words remind me of the real Red Cloud. "Your words hurt me a lot more than your bullets."
But understand that rivers of pain flow very deep. When they up well they will be no tears left to cry for the corporation thugs. There will be no national resistance. it will be global. And the people of this great planet will once again have what they need: their lives and planet restored to sanity.
Full power to the people!