Edited on Tue Dec-22-09 08:43 PM by Jackpine Radical
have happened lately.
First, a lot of people have educated themselves quite well about what universal health care would be like, they have decided that they want it, and they're not being fooled into thinking the current legislation is going to give it to them.
Second, I think leftist populism is on the rise again. The corporations are now on just about everybody's shit list, people aren't buying the right-wing lies about trickle-down, and there is a growing sense that the government should look out for the common people, and has been failing miserably at that task (albeit somewhat less miserably under Obama).
Lies had deception have been among the most powerful tools of the wealthy in keeping the spirit of populism suppressed, and the propaganda machine isn't working as well as it used to.
The time will yet come when the government starts fearing the people more than it does the corporations. I think maybe that time is closer than we think.
And then again maybe I really shouldn't drink Old Heathen Stout.