It's the foot in the door. Progressives know that one must win the battles one at a time to eventually win the war. People will realize it's a good idea that needs to be expanded. All the fearmongering will be forgotten. People will start to think more and more about health care as a fundamental human right.
Every social advance this country has made has been hard fought, and one step at a time. The battles for the right to vote started before the Civil War and didn't make it into law until the 1920 for women. It actually became a right for black men before that. It took more than one lifetime of fighting for blacks and for women. And we're still fighting to expand and to keep what we have. Civil rights of equality under the law was a bloody fight that many of us in our lifetimes witnessed and were part of and we're still fighting that war today. But it's not the same one we started with. It's the next phase, to keep what we have while pushing forward.
I truly believe that the baby boomers who are represented by the die hard fundamental selfish conservatives we've seen since the Summer Democratic Town Hall meetings are the last of the bridge generation between the conservative past and the progressive future. The Republican base (teabagger, Right wing Christian, etc.) are a retro faction of the dying breed of baby boomer conservatives.
I'm a baby boomer myself but I'm one that is progressive and I consider myself a citizen of the planet first and of the US second. It's the way I think and if someone thinks that makes me unpatriotic then they can kiss my ass. But I know, without any doubt at all that I'm on the right side of history.