I read a few threads, perhaps by insurance agents themselves, that you should NOT compare home and auto insurance to health because of blah, blah, blah... They were trying to conflate the issue of national versus state when health care insurance tries to monopolize states.
However, often the same con artist is selling you all three forms of insurance (For ALL your insurance needs) ! This gives them a chance to commingle the funds.
One pro insurance poster at DU said that car insurance premiums should actually fall as the car gets older. Mine actually went up by about 20% despite NEVER having caused an accident in my many moons of driving pollutomobiles. The agent had no answer for that one. Also my home went up 40%. Other companies quoted the same (reeks of collusion and price fixing) and laughingly said, "Yes the good old days are gone now." It seemed like a canned response.
Home insurance going up ridiculously when
The price of houses is declining in my area. Homes have lost over 33% of their peak inflated value.
The cost of repair has declined as that industry is hit hard and has to lower to stay alive.
So the thought does occur to me... what if the insurance agent is part of a larger scam? The money goes to the big company which in turn uses those profits to post more health care propaganda in the media. I don't want to pay them one red cent for their BS. They should not be allowed to a) bribe our elected officials and 2) pass the cost of this bribing and propaganda onto us.
Just so you know, I went through tough times too and tried to peddle various forms of insurance as a desperate measure. I quit each time after only a few days when I realized the scams involved.
Health insurance was "we never insure what doesn't make a profit for us". As far as the rest of the business, it usually involved cold calling in which you try very hard to make a sale, but time has flown by from the caller who is no longer interested. Your presentation causes some to be upset enough to visit the home office where the same jerk who trained you and is NOT licensed to peddle insurance is also a skillful closer and can sell them something better because they "came to him/her". Further the same con artists who promised you a pie in the sky if you avoided a Just Over Broke (JOB) and pounded the pavements for only 7 days a week, steals your business when you quit as the annual renewals come in.
So what can you expect from an industry that parasitizes its own "independent" agents? The truth?