I got the crazies to self Censor themselves at My local paper!!!
I quote,
EvilMonger wrote:I know I will sound like a kid holding his hands over his ears and humming, but I just did a really fun thing. I "killed" off AM 760 and Froward using my "ignore" button. Big_D is next, if he ever shows up. It's amazing the amount of clutter and nonsense that's removed from the forum. Now, if I could just get Mayor_Quimby to quit quoting them, it would be very pleasant indeed. I highly recommend this action to the rest of you logical and objective folks.
Logical and Objective HAHAHAHA that's a laugh.
these are the ones who regurgitate FAUX, rush, Glen beck at nausea.
then blast the Denver post as being "Liberal"
AM760 is a local progressive radio personality, Big_D is a Democrat from a heavy republican region... we have been "Killed off"
it feels good to be dead to them.
This is a great day as I will no longer be caught up in their circular logic or propagandist claptrap, while free to debunk it to others without such "delicate sensibilities."