I wondered if I could find information from the Hamster blog to prove that she and her crew barely supported the election of President Obama. Well, in this case, I did not have to look long and far. Sometimes, words speak louder than the initial actions (even though the actions are clear for some to see now). So I will post some parts of the article/blog that supports my point of view and link the entire article....to be fair-From November, 22. 2008.
1. Did the Hamster ever support the Obama Administration, way back in November 2008? Here is the quote from the article:
...."His (Obama) isn’t the administration I’d pick, but the proof will be in what he actually does. If for instance he sets up a panel to take on torture, opens up intelligence files and lets the public know how this horrible, malignant policy came to pass, it will go a long way towards assuring people that a choice like Brennan for CIA chief isn’t just "business as usual."
Does not sound like it. "His isn't the administration I'd pick". Who's administration would she pick? Remember, Obama at this point, was the President-Elect, not the President yet. This is less than three weeks after the election. If I remember correctly, the Obama Team was in Transition mode. Regardless, she did not agree with and/or pick his administration, this quickly? More from the article.....
2. Did Jane believe that Obama was Liberal and/or Progressive after the election?
"....Look, for people who convinced themselves that Obama was the second coming of Saul Alinsky — wake up. He never was. He may, however, be the most progressive person we could have possibly hoped to elect as President of the United States."
Ok, so it sounds like here, the Hamster is stating that Obama is not Liberal enough for her but he is as Progressive as "we" could get? If I did not know better, that sounds like...settling to me. With Hillary out of the race, the only possible Progressive left was Obama. So, she settled. Let's go on....
3. What did the Hamster want Obama to do after being elected? What was her call to arms for her crew?
........."Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to help keep the obstructionists off his back and push him to fulfill his campaign promises to end the war, pass health care legislation and the Employee Free Choice Act, clean up the environment, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, repair our infrastructure, create good jobs and restore the middle class."
Ok, let's talk facts here. Obama is in the process of ending the war in Iraq. She never stated Afghanistan in her statement, so I will assume here she is speaking of the Iraq War. I think Obama has done that, right?
........"Pass health care legislation". OK, Obama is in the process of doing this too. Now, looking at the Hamster statement above, I do not see her now CALL TO ARMS for Universal Health Care or Single Payer Health Care....it's states, real clearly "Pass Health Care Legislation". President Obama has kept his pledge here (the bill in currently about to pass in the Senate and go back to the House to combine both versions of the bill) but, what about the Hamster and crew? Let's look at the next statement....
"Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to help keep the obstructionist off his back....".
KILL THE BILL call of the Teabaggers are Obstructionists, Fox News have been Obstructionists all along, the GOP House and Senate have been Obstructionists, some members of the Democratic Party (Nelson, Lieberman, Landeu....just to name a few) have been Obstructionists and Groups that have held Vile Signs and slogans against President Obama have been Obstructionists. Instead of the Hamster keeping these groups off of President Obama back, she and crew members have decided to join in with most of these folks...exception, the Democratic Senators noted above. So, is the Hamster now a Obstructionist herself? Remember, she only asked for HEALTH CARE LEGISLATION, not single payer or universal health care. Now, since she have flip-flopped her position and turned on President Obama.....what would you call her? You decide.......
..."clean up the environment,reduce our dependence on foreign oil". President Obama has worked to clean up our environment and reduce our dependence on foreign oil, so far. He has enacted a Green Jobs program in his first year in office and plans to ask Congress to bring Climate Change Bill up for debate, in 2010. In fact, here is a link....
http://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/energy-and-environment. There is alot President Obama has done his first year. More than what Bush done in 8 years in office. I am impressed but it appears, the Hamster is not.
..."repair our infrastructure". Well, here are some more links for this point:
From Logistics Management-
http://www.logisticsmgmt.com/article/439156-Transportation_infrastructure_Obama_calls_for_increased_infrastructure_efforts_to_create_jobs_boost_economy.phpFrom the Washington Post-
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/44/2009/12/obama-vs-obama-on-infrastructu.htmlFrom USA Today-
http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/politics/2008/12/09/to-jolt-economy-obama-and-congress-eye-billions-in-infrastructure-spending.htmlThe Project Itself-Source Wikipedia-
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Recovery_and_Reinvestment_Act_of_2009What more does the Hamster want here? Confused........... Onward....
....."create good jobs and restore the middle class". Now I will admit, this one is a Work in Progress for President Obama. He did obtain this government in the worst recession since 1929. It will take time for this goal of the Hamster and Crew to happen. Plus, he has been working on Health Care Legislation all year. Still some small steps are taking place...
From Politico-
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1209/30925.htmlFrom the Washington Post-
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/08/AR2009120802016.htmlCBS News-
http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/12/23/politics/politicalhotsheet/entry6015313.shtmlPlus even though Unemployment Extensions do not create jobs per se, they do keep people from falling into complete economic despair. President Obama has signed two Unemployment Extensions....with a third one to come, shortly on December 24th, since he has been in office.
The point is, from the Hamster OWN words on her demands, President Obama either has worked on or is currently working on ALL OF THEM. Her demands changed on health care and now she is throwing the POTUS under the bus. I believe this is suit her agenda...since as she stated, "His isn't the administration I'd pick".
There is a difference between disagreeing with the Presidents' policies and stirring up all out war in the Democratic Party. It is like certain individuals WISH to hand over the keys to the bus to the Teabaggers and GOP in 2010, to run President Obama over with the bus. This is not right and frankly, in smells to high heaven.
As promised, here is the entire article/posting link-
http://fdlaction.firedoglake.com/2008/11/22/obama-and-a-paucity-of-progressives/Thanks for reading my post.
P.S.- With all the tense waters that have been on this site lately I wanted write this article fair assessment article. To anyone that was upset with my previous posting, I apologize for the tone. Writings like I have above, with actual links, is the way I usually provide information and will do so for the immediate future....to the works of President Obama and his administration, so far.