Boycott the DSCC, DCCC and DNC and let them know that you will be giving directly to PROGRESSIVE Democrats that you choose to support and that you will be doing it directly so that these electeds will actually know your name and give a damn about what you think from now on.
This fake healthcare "reform" bill is just a giant gift to the insurance companies and a giant burden on working Americans who will be forced to buy junk insurance policies from these same people who have been ripping them off for decades. It does NOTHING to strip away insurance companies antitrust protections and it does NOTHING to force competition against a REAL government run health system. The best solution is obviously English (or Veterans Administration) style National Health - the second best is government run single payer - we are getting NEITHER and the weasels in the senate: Joe Lieberman, Ben Nelson, et. al. are laughing at us while they screw us!
When the DSCC and DCCC call you and tell you that someone has agreed to "match" your donation what they really mean is that some corporate donor is going to get the credit with the politicians who benefit of not only their donation but YOURS also.
The best thing you can do is cut out these middlemen who in effect make you ANONYMOUS to the politicians and allows them to disregard what you want them to do.
Tell the DSCC and DCCC and DNC to go to hell and find a progressive Dem to back directly with your own money and time and make sure they know that if they don't do what you want them to do, that their successor will be.
Tell them you will never give to them again until they actively work to remove these corporocrat weasels like Nelson and Lieberman, etc. from power and actively work to elect New Deal Democrats that FDR would have liked to replace them.
If your Congressman or Senator is NOT progressive, then find someone to run against them as a Democrat in their primary and run the weasels out of power.
If they threaten to switch parties, then FINE, I'd rather have our enemies exposed as what they are REPUBLICANS instead of hiding out and pretending to be Democrats all the while just being traitors to our party ideals.
It just sickens me how many cowards, liars and bought and paid for lackies there are in Congress and we need to clean house on our side and get rid of the Liebermans, Lincolns, Nelsons, et. al. that are screwing us over and setting us up to fall in 2010 and 2012 and beyond after we've worked so hard to undo the Reagan "Revolution".
Time to clean house. Time to boycott the DCCC and DSCC. Time to take back our party and stand up for Democratic principles!