He still runs his K street anarchist American Taxpayer's Americans For Tax Reform, from which he helped the Bush/Cheney administration promote right wing agenda of all various sorts who came to his meetings...he wants to bankrupt the Treasury with massive red ink, to bring down our Federal government, by bankrupting it. Never mind this will collapse the entire world economy, as the GOPers almost did in September 2008, after they had doubled the national debt.
I have a much broader question I would like to have answered:
Have we forgotten the defacto GOP signing statements cherry-picking to nullify Congress’ legislation sent for our Prez to sign? If neocons and theocons get back in, wont they bring this back, along with more court packing,with blocking EPA, Treasury, Wall St and home lending oversight,also EPA, Consumer Protection Agency (lead toys), shipping more jobs overseas, bringing in more immigrants for cheapest labor, boosting the Tyranny, no Patriot Act with more loss of civil liberties, more database collection on all Americans with Total Intelligence Awareness, complete deregulation of anything and everything, increased strip mining, leeching of poisonous deposits into water supplies and ground water, stripping FDR’s economic protections put in place, which worked 50 years so well we all took it for granted we couldnt have our economic system fail again like it did in Sept 2008, ever-greater polarization of our national electorate almost by grand design, down to the level of individual districts, to mass-manipulate and cause internal ideological warfare within our citizenry, also by mass proliferation of propaganda and misinformation using Madison Ave advertising techniques (such as creating political ads as news article plants specifically crafted for news show insertion), six massive consecutive tax cuts while at the same time starting two wars now both lasting longer than WW2, adding to the national debt, now past 12.2 trillion (with 2009 red-ink spending as pump-priming was the only way to keep us from Great Depression 2, even though it added to the total national debt, then blaming it on the Dems, even though red ink spending doubled from 2001 to 2009, all used to pay for two wars, one of which was supposed to get Iraqi oil to pay for it all, but never did. Now China owns us lock, stock, and we are now the greatest debtor nation. China shut up our ambassadors who complained about China’s war exercizes near Taiwan, by threatening to flood the world market with US IOUs, causing hyper-inflation and our currency to crash. All of this and more under Bush/Cheney, how much worse in 2012, if God forbid, they get back in, yet the Tea Baggers are more fringers than even the Congressional GOPers. Who knows which groups are which? And why did the Texas GOP change their party platform in 2008 from their real objectives they put in their 2004 platform? What happens if we get these whack jobs in power in 2012, imagine Palin with her finger on the nukes button! WTF! They got away with way worse than Nixon ever did with Watergate, and NOONE HAS YET TO INVESTIGATE ANY OF IT, INCLUDING LIBBY, Blackwater, CIA prisons, mass renditions to black sites, Cheney’s assassination program, every phone, internet and email, bank accounts, US mail, all being subject to massive intrusion with National Security Letters, the GOP fix of the voting machines in the 2000 and 2004 elections, the stop of the vote count in Florida by Harris in 2000 when later the actual count showed Gore won, all the contaminated food coming into the US, the lack of proper FDA regulation with new drugs put on the market too soon, NONE OF THIS HAS BEEN INVESTIGATED AS IN WATERGATE, AND MORE OF IT WILL RECUR COME 2012 IF THEY GET BACK IN POWER, SO WHAT MAKES ANY OF THIS OK? AND IS ANYBODY LISTENING?…I wonder, not optimistically, unfortunately. Most Americans have a short 30 sec TV ad attention span, and do not even remember or even realize all this is now defacto unchallenged precedents the fringers can repeat at will. And they dont own Jesus, but youd never know it, listening to all of them. But truely, God help us all. Our Dems have let them delay so much they will win with their stall tactics, as the Dems look placid, ineffective, impotent, and get painted as “LIBERAL,” as if this were cancer, when in fact, the pot is calling the kettle black.