I've been trying to read up on where things stand at this point. I've read information provided here. I've listened to various talking head politicos whose opinions I respect (The Gentlemen from Vermont, for example)
the last thing I read was this:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/howard-gleckman/a-real-persons-guide-to-h_b_399307.htmlLike a few people (ahem), I do not trust insurance cos to provide health care via health insurance. But the community health clinics provision is a good thing. There are valid reasons to not trust the insurance cos' capacity to actually work with people on health care, rather than against them for their own profits.
I'm pissed that a corporation is coming between citizens and health care. I think that the future for these people should be toward non-profit status. I won't hold my breath.
I don't understand how a mandate could be constitutional. This is a major stumbling block because of what it represents to me, in terms of the way govt and business treat citizens v. consumers. And this is worrisome to me because of previous actions the govt took in relation to the Wall Street bailout.
However, this is the bill that's going to make it or not, and, yes, that can be modified (for good or bad). I think the whole thing should kick in sooner. Otherwise it is going to be a political football. It needs to have some tweaks (poor women shouldn't have to pay for abortions and they will be prevented from receiving health care in situations that are just not humane - it's such a double standard/class kick in the head sacrifice of poor women for religious zealots.
President Obama, please hear the American people after this moment. The inequity of American life is tearing this nation apart. It has to be addressed. The wealthy need to contribute to the general welfare in a more meaningful way. They have had years at the trough and it has hurt this nation's standing and well being. Our nation cannot survive with a decimated middle class.
This is really not what I wanted to see from my govt. But if it does some of what it is supposed to do, then I support it.