Dog saves kitten from freezing to death
A missing kitten could have frozen to death if a dog had not come to his rescue.
The owners of Welly the kitten believe he would never have been found if it wasn’t for the help of lurcher saluki cross greyhound Susie.
Eleven-week-old Welly, so called because he has white paws and looks like he is wearing Wellington boots, went missing in Haydon End, Swindon.
Owner Lorna Hayes went out in the dark searching for him.
As she resumed her search at 6.30am the following day her neighbour’s dog Susie alerted her to Welly’s whereabouts with frantic barking and sniffing at an area of bushes.
When Lorna looked among the bushes she saw her kitten curled up and described him as “blue” with the cold.
Lorna, 29, said: “Susie found my kitten nearly dead in the undergrowth – we were ecstatic because we thought he had been caught by a fox or killed by the cold.