Build-A-Bear catches heat for Web site videos on global warming
ST. LOUIS, First, Chicken Little warned children that the sky is falling. And now Build-A-Bear Workshop has warned children the North Pole could disappear before Christmas.
The warm-and-fuzzy Overland, Mo.-based company now finds itself in hot water, defending an animated series on its Web site featuring polar bears, penguins and even Mrs. Claus as Santa is warned global warming is "a serious situation."
Conservative bloggers posted the videos on their Web sites and called for a boycott of the toy company, saying Build-A-Bear should not be sharing a political stance with children.
Build-A-Bear relented, taking the videos down and posting on its Web site a letter from Build-A-Bear founder and CEO Maxine Clark.
"Our intention with the polar bear story was to inspire children, through the voices of our animal characters, to make a difference in their own individual ways," Clark said in her letter. "We did not intend to politicize the topic of global climate change or offend anyone in any way."
Clark pointed out the story ultimately ends on a happy note.
"The webisodes concluded this week with Santa successfully leaving on his journey to deliver gifts around the world. The webisodes will no longer be available on the site."