Yesterday while returning from a business trip I stopped at a gas station some miles from home, and the car at the next pump had an Obama sticker (as does mine). The guy pumping gas complained about the cold (the storm was showing signs of blowing in). I would describe the guy as "older," except that he looked about as old as me, so I would place him in late youth (as Isaac Asimov used to describe himself in his 60's).
Anyway, after a bit of nonsense chatter, we started talking & continued the conversation for a while inside the station store while we were getting coffee & stuff. When I mentioned his Obama sticker, he started gently, tentatively suggesting that he wished Obama were more progressive. I concurred. He cited the banker bailouts and health care as primary examples of where Obama has disappointed him. He's a single-payer guy. I didn't ask if he reads DU, but he would fit in pretty well here among those who want to support Obama but don't worship him, and who are growingly aware of his feet of clay. The guy closed the conversation saying "We need a real progressive movement in this country, and I said "Amen."
The station is on the edge of a town in the middle of Nowhere, Wisconsin, surrounded by cornfields.
The whole incident left me wondering how many more of us there are wandering around loose.