I thought there would be a group of disgruntled people here but I had no idea how many. I ,too, would like Universal coverage and a single payer system that tears down the monopoly of rich insurance companies but I realize the world we live in and the level of brainwashing and shear ignorance of the majority of my fellow Americans has made that dream impossible...for now.
When Americans begin to benefit from the changes President Obama is instituting, they will see that the Democratic party is working to make their lives better and support more dramatic changes.
President Obama, in 11 months has presided over new legislation to force credit card companies to curb usury interest rates, force banks to stop charging onerous returned check fees and now, for the first time in our nation's history, insurance regulation and coverage for 31 million previous uninsured Americans. He also instituted billions to help out homeowners new and old, money for people to trade in gas guzzlers for more fuel efficient cars, agreement between nations to start to curb greenhouse emissions and bailed out failing banks which most economists agree stopped an impending economic depression. In 11 months, President Obama has done more to serve this country's average person than George W. Bush did in 8 years (oh wait, he did get us all $300 bucks right before he bankrupted the country morally and financially).
And all alot of us want to do is complain about what he didn't or couldn't do. This site, once a haven for me in the dark days of the Bush presidency, has become almost as bad as the right wing sites that bash everything President Obama does and always paints things in the worst possible light.
I support my president. I worked too hard to get him elected to abandon ship because I didn't get everything I want in his first year in office. Every time I start buying into the Obama bash-a-thon, I remember the times we had George W. Bush in office and all the things he did to damage our country. That usually picks me up.
We have 3 more years to work together and try to turn this giant ship around. We can do it together by supporting our President or we can help to rip him apart and diminish his power to foster more changes that will benefit us. I am going to keep supporting my President. I wish the people who helped me get through the tragedy of right wing rule would join me but I am realistic enough to know that we don't always get what we wish for.