As in, "Top Ten Fleeting Celebrities of 2009.",28804,1945379_1944882_1944894,00.htmlIt gets better with the description:
Orly Taitz wears many hats. The Orange County, California, resident is a dentist, a lawyer, a real estate agent and leader of the "birther" movement — a term referring to the belief held by stubborn conspiracy theorists that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and therefore does not meet the Constitution's eligibility requirements to serve as President of the United States. Despite a lack of evidence supporting this claim, Taitz — a Moldovan immigrant who became a U.S. citizen in 1992 — and her supporters received a surprising amount of media attention this summer (a notoriously slow season in the news cycle). "I believe he is the most dangerous thing one can imagine, in that he represents radical communism and radical Islam," Taitz told Esquire magazine in August. "He was born and raised in radical Islam, all of his associations are with radical Islam, and he was groomed in the environment of the dirty Chicago mafia. Can there be anything scarier than that?" Well, we can think of a few scarier things ...