I posted last week about the timing of this thing and how could it be that they voted on X-mas eve or rather the day before X-mas.
If politicians had to be bribed and,I can't see what else it could be called. Many got money for their state so just what do they not like about this bill that it took money to buy their damn vote?
We will probably never know, it's another one of those government secrets.
Now we don't even know what the senate bill contains yet we are told it will somehow be blended with the house bill into what?
If you ask me this is all about making history and not really for the people or we would have had what most people wanted and that was single payer.
What really burns my ass is these freaks in DC work on the peoples dime yet they are working for the corporate dollar and they have the nerve to place play we did a great thing and stand there and thank eachother and pat eachother on the ass on what a great job they did.
When GW was the president and the 2006 midterms ended most true Liberals and Dems said Pelosi and Reid were weak and they are and suddenly they are high grade plywood painted as for the people.
This is not a health Ins plan it is a health Ins scam.
Where in the bill are restrictions on what the health Ins corps can charge? I don't see it.
You have to be a fucking lawyer to even read the damn thing and they call this transparent. They keep saying affordable buy ins , what are the figures? They will tweek it , give me a break.
Sanders admitted that the senate and house were controlled by corporations and we are just going to accept that? I heard it and so did you.
We'll know someday when the bill arrives in the mail after they allow the military to do some more bombing and senseless murdering.
Does any of this even jive with basic common sense and rub you the wrong way because it certainly rubs me the wrong way.
I don't even want to hear one more of their voices or see their faces ever again. May Karma catch up with their lies and pride.