As I look back at all the advancements I've seen in my lifetime I am absolutely amazed. Things that we are taking for granted today was once considered fiction or in some cases science fiction.
I am sitting at my computer communicating with people from all over the world. I have been friendly with and in some cases made friends with people from Canada, Australia, most countries in Europe and Asia and some places I can't even imagine while sitting at my computer.
Some of the things we did for enjoyment when I was a teenager, my grand children have never even seen. Like Vinyl Records and adventure and comedy shows on the radio and sitting around a family card table instead of a TV. Now my Grand Children can text message faster than I can type and in order to half way keep up with them I have to join Facebook.
The advancements are absolutely amazing and what is yet to come is hard to imagine but with all the wonderful advancements that improve mankind’s way of life and comfort zone are the bi products of such technology that wreak havoc and chaos on the world.
So as I contemplate the years I've lived and look back on the year 2009 I can't help but wonder how many more years will be so great and amazing for those I leave behind. Will common sense prevail and allow us to stop the madness and quit maiming and killing our young and the innocents from the enemies that our leaders create for us (called collateral damage) or will we go the other way and instead of Peace On Earth have War On Earth?
I seem to be in the minority these days or else the minority is running our country and the world but my philosophy is that ,
Peace is Patriotic and war is Chaos
Questioning our leaders is patriotic and blind obedience to those who steer us wrong is not
Rewarding failure with tax payer dollars and giving those who fail bonuses rather than penalizing them is wrong
That if one our leaders commit acts that are of a questionable nature and could be illegal they should be held accountable rather than look forward not backward
That it's better to have a Department of Peace than a Department of War.
After having said that I sincerely hope that everyone in this, and every country can, in the future years to come, be allowed to enjoy the fruits of their honest labor and that someday peoples of the world can come to realize that absolutely nothing can be resolved with war and violence.