136 Silver Alerts Issued In 1st Year
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- Since the statewide Silver Alert program began last fall, 136 alerts have been issued for missing Florida seniors, authorities said.
Silver Alerts began in October 2008 after Gov. Charlie Crist signed an executive order to establish the system that helps find missing seniors with mental impairments such as dementia and Alzheimer's. The alerts also can be used to help locate missing younger adults suffering from cognitive disorders.
The system has been used to locate persons from 54 to 94, said Florida Department of Law Enforcement spokesman Mike Morrison.
The FDLE disseminates a blast of alerts to the public through local law enforcement agencies, media outlets and along roadside and interstate electronic message boards.
There have been 136 Silver Alerts issued statewide as of Monday. An average of 11 Silver Alerts are issued per month.
To compare, Amber Alerts issued for endangered children have totaled about 150 during that program's nine-year run.
http://www.clickorlando.com/news/22062106/detail.htmlCan we have an "public option" alert, mine went missing.