I saw
this on Topix this morning
"Since 9/11, traveling by plane is a nightmare. It is amazing how Americans have allowed themselves to be humiliated, strip searched, wanded, puffed, etc. so the politically correct Homeland Security can show they’re not racist by profiling the very people who should be profiled…Muslims! What has happened to common sense? Have we become so docile we have lost all of our spirit? Have we lost our sanity? We have all witnessed the TSA goons at airports searching and wanding American grandmothers in wheel chairs. It’s ridiculous! We’ve all had fingernail clippers forcefully taken from us! What, are we going to give the pilot a manicure? We’re allowed to carry on miniature amounts of shampoo and other toiletries yet a Nigerian Muslim on a FBI no-fly list can board a plane with liquid strapped to his leg! Americans are not the ones who need to be screened! We need to stringently screen Muslims! The level of political correctness is beyond ridiculous! I prefer non-American Muslims were not allowed to enter the United States under any condition. The fact that a Nigerian with ties to Al Qaeda can get a visa to enter the US shows our government is not willing to protect us! The Israelis do it right. At their airport, they don’t worry about Americans or white people who don’t act suspicious. They DO vigorously screen and check EVERY Muslim before they are allowed to board the plane. Why? Because while not every Muslim is a terrorist, every terrorist is a Muslim! The Israelis created a system of behavior recognition. It works in keeping bad guys off of planes. Why don’t we use it? Because it overtly puts Muslims under the highest levels of suspicion"
That is the wingnut solution to the problem. However, this guy lacks critical thinking, Critical thinking is that our actions in the Middle East made the Islamic Fundies nuts and therefore, they resent us.
If we have to learn that the best solution is to withdraw, and than the Islmaoc Fundies will no longer attach us because our actions has to satisty their resentment. The best solution for America is mind our own business and not to take crazy-ass war-mongering expeditions that kill people.