Edited on Sun Dec-27-09 05:08 PM by thotzRthingz
anger us. It is what we do with, how we channel such anger.
Case in point: (and IMO)... America as a whole was fairly angry with the BUSH administration (and they deserved our anger). But we did not rise up and over-throw the government. Instead, we channeled that anger (to a great degree) at the ballot box. In 2006 we took CONGRESS away from the rubber-stamping republiCONs. In 2008 we added to the DEM majority in both houses of Congress, and we put a relatively unknown, freshman Senator, in the White House.
In short; I think it is ok to get angry, but I do not think it ok to act-out in like manner. I personally am very upset about the way health care reform is unfolding... in fact, one might say that I am damned angry about it. I have channeled said anger, and have re-doubled my effort to CHANGE IT (i.e., writing and calling our elected representatives... and especially asking SIXTY members in the HOUSE to stand firm on their PLEDGE to have a public option be signed into law). Will they do that? I think there's a good chance they will. But if they don't, I will work even harder to see that ANYONE WHO OPPOSED a strong PUBLIC OPTION is not re-elected.
As for DU itself:
I used to post here under a different name (which doesn't really matter). I was not then, and am not now, a "1000+ post" type. I do read here a lot, and only occasionally post. But I agree with the OP... this place is not what it used to be.
I have silently, until NOW (in this very post), used my own method for dealing with what I deem to be a "troll and/or disruptor". I now invite each of you to do likewise: simply put them on IGNORE (and you'll not see their comments any longer). I do occasionally engage in debate, but I keep it civil... never attacking the PERSON, but instead meeting what I deem to be "misinformation" with FACT. I see no point in wasting my time or energy in a non-productive manner.
My thanks go to Atticus for raising this issue, in a most civilized manner.