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So-called "Non Partisan" Local elections ensure that candidates are picked by Big Money

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divideetimpera Donating Member (106 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-27-09 09:08 PM
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So-called "Non Partisan" Local elections ensure that candidates are picked by Big Money
So-called "Non Partisan" Local elections ensure that Dem and GOP candidates are picked by Big Money at the state level.
Have you noticed how often that the local elections are non partisan? Meaning that the local candidates are not affiliated with a political party.

If the Dem and GOP candidates were picked at the local level in local elections, they could develop name recognition without much money. It takes less money to run at the local level than at the state level.

If Dem and GOP candidates worked their way up throgh the ranks, they would be more likely to do what the people want, instead of what Big Money wants.

Just an idea.

Why is it that this idea is never discussed anywhere?
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tabbycat31 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-27-09 09:59 PM
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1. we have some partisan and some non-partisan elections here
depending on the municipality. In our state the Democrats' rising star was elected in a non-partisan city.

My boro is non-partisan and we have an incredibly progressive mayor who probably wouldn't have been elected on partisan lines.
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