They are very instructive on why it would be in the best interests of certain transnational corporations, and the governments (and governmental advisers) that serve them, to destabilize Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the surrounding areas. Disruption of energy corridors, to be used by the wrong people, is key. Destabilization of other Arab and Muslim countries is also part of the plan, as well as identifying and setting up certain bogeymen. It's also in the best interests of some for Americans to be very afraid, and willing to allow their fundamental rights to be degraded.
Guns and Butter interviews: recent shows on "World Crisis Radio:"'s also been interviewed on
Russia Today.
Here's a couple of great quotes from a Tarpley article.
Obama Declares War on Pakistan G. Tarpley
December 11, 2009
Obama’s West Point speech of December 1 represents far more than the obvious brutal escalation in Afghanistan — it is nothing less than a declaration of all-out war by the United States against Pakistan . This is a brand-new war, a much wider war now targeting Pakistan , a country of 160 million people armed with nuclear weapons. In the process, Afghanistan is scheduled to be broken up. This is no longer the Bush Cheney Afghan war we have known in the past. This is something immensely bigger: the attempt to destroy the Pakistani central government in Islamabad and to sink that country into a chaos of civil war, Balkanization, subdivision and general mayhem. The chosen strategy is to massively export the Afghan civil war into Pakistan and beyond, fracturing Pakistan along ethnic lines. It is an oblique war using fourth-generation or guerrilla warfare techniques to assail a country which the United States and its associates in aggression are far too weak to attack directly. In this war, the Taliban are employed as US proxies. This aggression against Pakistan is Obama’s attempt to wage the Great Game against the hub of Central Asia and Eurasia or more generally.
Regarding Iran, George Friedman, the head of the Stratfor outlet of the US intelligence community recently told Russia Today that the great novelty of the next decade will be an alliance of the United States with Iran directed against Russia. In that scenario, Iran would cut off oil to China altogether. That is the essence of the Brzezinski strategy. It is urgent that the antiwar movement in the United States regroup and begin a new mobilization against the cynical hypocrisy of Obama’s war and escalation policy, which suprasses even the war crimes of the Bush-Cheny neocons. In this new phase of the Great Game, the stakes are incalculable.**************Endquote*************
Then, people can make up their minds about what is really going on - and if certain events are coincidental or not.:) It might also be a good idea to couple this with a reading of Z-big's book, "The Grand Chessboard" -