's The Outrage (and Fear)?
by BarbinMD
Mon Dec 28, 2009 at 08:02:03 AM PST
A good question from Spencer Ackerman at The Washington Independent:
So Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the alleged would-be bomber of Northwest Airlines flight 253, is being detained and questioned in a federal prison in Michigan. He’s expected to appear in court today, after federal authorities indicted him yesterday. If convicted, he’ll be imprisoned in a federal prison. A federal civilian prison. Just like the one that Republican politicians said would leave American communities vulnerable if Guantanamo detainees were sent there.
So, where's the outrage? Or do Republicans now concede that we are capable of meting out justice while at the same time maintaining the security of both our citizenry and suspected terrorists? Because it's either that or it's time for them to admit that all of their pearl clutching calls for the smelling salts were nothing more than cheap politicizing and fear-mongering.