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Yemen and Joe Leiberman.

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peacetalksforall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-28-09 02:17 PM
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Yemen and Joe Leiberman.
Edited on Mon Dec-28-09 02:30 PM by peacetalksforall
Look at this, Joe Leiberman – then read this, then look some more.

Is this the city you want to bomb or should I say is this the country you want US as in us, THE PEOPLE - to bomb FOR YOU - and YOUR PERSONAL AND DEEP POCKET INTERESTS?

Scroll down slightly and take a look at a photo of one of their cities.

Are these the buildings you want to bomb? Are they less beautiful than what you call beautiful?

Then read this: Also from the Lonely Planet:

“There can’t be many places left in the world that could make God smile, but Yemen is one of them. Inhabited almost forever Yemen is, in many ways, the birthplace of all our lives. In days past, the sons of Noah knew it as the land of milk and honey, Gilgamesh came here to search for the secret of eternal life, wise men gathered frankincense and myrrh from its mountains and, most famously, a woman known simply as Sheba said Yemen was her home.

Yet since the book of mythology was closed, Yemen has remained largely locked away in a forgotten corner, oblivious to the world that was oblivious to it. Today, like a spring tortoise emerging from hibernation, Yemen is awaking from its slumber and slowly revealing its face. And what a face it is. Sitting at the crossroads of two continents, this country has a little of everything. Its capital, San'a, is not only incredibly romantic and intriguing, but holds the distinction of being the world's oldest city. Meanwhile, the extraordinary island of Suqutra (off the coast of Eastern Yemen) is reputed to hold the secret of eternal life somewhere amongst its unique flora and fauna. The fortified mountain village of Shaharah is tough to get to (probably why it remained unconquered for centuries) but worth making the effort for; if you prefer your travel safer and easier - but equally rewarding - try the lush region of Southern Yemen. Then there's the Wadi Hadramawt oasis where you can't help but get caught up in the mythical magic of it all, and Zabid - Unesco World Heritage site and the hottest city on earth. Need we go on?

With its shades of Afghanistan, reflections of Morocco, flavours of Africa and reminders of Arabia, Yemen is utterly unique and deeply romantic. To travel in this most traditional of Islamic countries, surrounded by a people whom the Prophet once described as ‘the most gentle-hearted of men’, is a privilege you will not quickly forget. But never mind what we have to say about it, let’s leave the last word to the man who made it.

Legend tells how one day God decided to check out how his creation was fairing: London, he decided, had changed a lot, Egypt was nothing like he remembered it, but Yemen, ‘Well’, he smiled, ‘that hasn’t changed since the day I created it.”

Then read this:

“Travel Alert: Areas of Yemen are considered unsafe for travel, including popular sites within Sana’a and Hadramaut Provinces. Foreigners have been targeted in several violent attacks, including bombings and kidnappings. Check Safe Travel for current government warnings.”

Did we help make it that way? Travelers used to be able to go to Yemen. What happened? Can you put two and two together?

Do you have any sense of geography? Of course you do – everything is known to those who are trying to protect Israel and the earth resources that our barons have their eyes on - AT ALL COSTS – MONEY, LIVES, BODY PARTS, and OUR FUTURE – THOSE TYPES OF COSTS. The ones you don’t care about.

Bomb the hell out of them and eliminate a weapons, oil-gas, and other earth resources adjacent and critically centered to sea transport? Is that the idea?

Put the viewer up about ½” from the bottom. Take a good look, Joe. Oh? You have already looked? Of course, you would have.

Then remember this, Joe - some of us do not approve of invading and bombing the hell out of people and their country.

Diplomacy be damned? Condemn the entire country?
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timeforpeace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-28-09 02:19 PM
Response to Original message
1. Too late to blame Joe. Obama already bombed the shit out of Yemen, remember?
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enid602 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-28-09 02:57 PM
Response to Original message
2. Joe
Joe Lieberyemen.
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el_bryanto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-28-09 03:02 PM
Response to Original message
3. Oh - i get it. Bombing Iraq or Afghanistan is ok because the land isn't as pretty there?
Makes total sense.

Of course that's not what you mean; that said, objections to war shouldn't boil down to aesthetics, should they?

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peacetalksforall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-28-09 03:27 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. I would have NEVER, ever guessed that ANYONE would have interpreted my post
Edited on Mon Dec-28-09 03:30 PM by peacetalksforall
the way you did.

No, this is not about aesthetics.

It IS about REAL PEOPLE - many, many INNOCENT PEOPLE! Who live in a real place.

Two ears and one mouth is enough to keep us out of the bombing business and into peace, negotiation, sharing, trading. We can be better humans.

We make assumptions about a place and find it easy to say - OK let's bomb them.

What a disappointment. If I had guessed your reaction, I would have added a qualifier that my purpose was not beauty based, it is 'real people' based. I used a web site that I knew could not be on a DU blacklist. I wanted to see what we would be destroying. I didn't want to look at thousands of photos of destruction such as I've looked at followng all the wars since before and after I was born.

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el_bryanto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-28-09 03:32 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. That's the way it reads to me - at any rate the decision to bomb shouldn't be based
on sentimentality, either way. You shouldn't bomb because you find an area repulsive and you shouldn't refrain from bombing because it's pretty country.

All bombing takes lives (which is why we should do as little as possible).

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bridgit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-28-09 03:03 PM
Response to Original message
4. There is no war. There is no peace. Both war & peace are an illusion
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