Therapy Dog Visits...just what a young heart transplant patient needed.
Joey was 10 years old and dangerously ill. He needed a heart transplant, but had been in the hospital for a long time, waiting for one to become available. With each passing day he grew weaker. Even worse, he was losing hope.
To be a good transplant candidate, Joey needed to keep up his strength – somehow. That is when the Pet Partners (therapy animal) team of Fauna (a Black Labrador) and Greer walked into his room, and into his life. From the first moment Joey petted Fauna's silky head, energy seemed to flow back into the sick boy. Joey had become too weak to walk – but when he was invited to hold the leash and take Fauna for a stroll down the hall, he brightened with anticipation. And then, with his medical team assisting him, Joey walked with his new best friend!
With the help of this very special dog, Joey turned a corner, gained strength, and underwent a successful heart transplant surgery. As Joey struggled through recovery and rehab, Fauna was there, too. The first time Joey tried to climb a flight of stairs Fauna was waiting at the top, greeting him joyously as he reached his goal.
Today, Joey is a happy, healthy teenager – thanks to the Pet Partners team who regularly visited him – and to good friends who support our programs so generously.