Lubinski: Senate Confirms First Openly Gay US Marshal
12/28/09 04:36 PM | AP
MINNEAPOLIS — Minneapolis assistant police Chief Sharon Lubinski has become the first openly gay U.S. marshal.
The U.S. Senate confirmed the Green Bay, Wis. native to be the U.S. marshal for the Minnesota district. Last week's confirmation also makes her the first female marshal in the state.
Lubinski has served a number of roles with the Minneapolis Police. She was also a sheriff's deputy in Wisconsin.
U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar recommended Lubinski to President Barack Obama, who formally nominated her to the marshal post in October.
The Democratic senator said Monday that Lubinski's breadth of experience makes her a highly qualified candidate.
U.S. marshals oversee federal courthouse security, witness protection and the apprehension of federal fugitives.