Mark Foley Slams Max Baucus, Compares Scandals: 'They Had Me Run Out Of Town'
First Posted: 12-28-09 11:49 AM | Updated: 12-28-09 02:03 PM Linkins | HuffPost Reporting
This weekend's tempest in a teapot involved a now six-day-old video clip of Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.) yelling at Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) about bipartisanship and health care reform and how he misses those days when he was meeting with the Gang of Six, taking some "very good questions" from his GOP colleagues.
ThinkProgress called Baucus's speech "uncharacteristically impassioned and frank." Over the past two days, various conservatives offered their own take, which basically boils down to, "Max Baucus is totally drunk." I doubt there exists even a single video clip of any member of Congress demonstrating what I would term "sobriety," so I cannot for the life of me fathom why this would be controversial.
But guess what take on the matter got the attention of Matt Drudge? So now people are asking Baucus to respond to questions about whether or not he was drunk, because an "anonymous YouTube account" claimed that he was, leading to "Internet buzz."
Anyway, all of that is precious and special. But the most precious and special journalism of all was, naturally, done by Clicklitico, because only they had the VISION to think, "Max Baucus is drunk? I wonder what disgraced former Representative Mark Foley has to say about this, on his Facebook page!"
On his Facebook page, former congressman Mark Foley commented on the video: "This is the senator that hired his staffer and then took her on trips...and divorced his wife....and they had me run out of town."
Yes, Mark, they had you run out of town because you were sending creepy, sexty instant messages to teenage Congressional pages, lest we forget!