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GOP Rep. Sessions to Ponzi-schemer Stanford: ‘I love you’

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-29-09 07:21 AM
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GOP Rep. Sessions to Ponzi-schemer Stanford: ‘I love you’

Texas Congressman Peter Sessions has some 'splaining to do.

Amid the investigation into Ponzi-schemer Allen Stanford, authorities picked up on the trail of his political donations. In particular, an e-mail from Sessions piqued their interest, according to The Miami Herald.

"I love you and believe in you. If you want my ear/voice -- e-mail,'' Sessions wrote to Stanford on Feb. 17, the very day the rogue Texas banker was arrested.

The National Republican Congressional Committee chairman closed his email saying simply, "Pete".

"The Justice Department is investigating millions of dollars Stanford and his staff contributed to lawmakers over the past decade to determine if the banker received special favors from politicians while building his spectacular offshore bank in Antigua," the paper reported. snip

Sessions did not respond to the paper's request for an interview.
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