...to get rid of Lieberman.
Let Napolitano take the "blame" although the blame really lies in the fact that the TSA screening efforts don't do squat, and that Jim DeMint is blocking the new head of the TSA. Find her some cushy job elsewhere, but "accept her resignation" from DHS.
Appoint Lieberman to be the new Secretary of Homeland Security. That will get him out of the Senate. (And it was the job he wanted from McCain, anyhow.)
This will put him in a position where he can actually do less damage. Let Jodi Rell appolnt a moderate Republican in his place, who would be better to deal with than Joe and would only serve until next November, when Connecticut can oust them and put someone better in their place (which they can't do until 2012, if ever, with Lieberman).
Then, if we have the votes in 2011, we can do what we should have done ages ago and demolish the DHS. Put TSA and the Coast Guard back under transportation and the rest of it under Defense where it belongs. Then Joe is out of a job.