LMAO... So Rove is troubled that the "terrorist" was "allowed" to "lawyer up".
Rove: This shows the big difference in this administration's approach to it. This guy was treated not as an enemy combatant, and turned over to the FBI and the CIA for interrogation, he was charged criminally, which means he immediately lawyered up and the amount of information we're going to get from him is going to be this much, compared to what we could get if he was just simply sweat by the FBI and the CIA -- not even using enhanced interrogation techniques, just using what police would be able to use if you weren't lawyered up. This is a very troubling way in which the administration has handled this.
http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/rove-says-obamas-handling-nigerian-aSo Mr Rove, is it the fact that we didn't jump right in there and torture this guy, or is it the fact that the U.S. Constitution and our Laws, the entire basis for our society, just doesn't appeal to guys like you?
Sorry asshole, but the fact that you are some kind of monstrous fucking anti American freak doesn't mean that we are going to become the very thing we despise. I understand that you are used to it, that nobody beyond the Faux news studios actually thinks you are some kind of decent human being, that you have become accustomed to being one of the most hated men in the world. But we as Americans would like to get back to a place where we set the shining example of what a free nation is.
Your little diatribe is nothing more than a hissy fit thrown on national TV because we didn't torture someone. You sick fuck.