Poor Sen. Claire McCaskill. She said in an interview that she is “sad” that she is stuck in Washington and can’t be home baking and participating in her family’s traditions at Christmas.
I’m sure the millions of Americans who are still unemployed or underemployed are sad that McCaskill supported the disastrous, massive $787 billion pork bill that has done nothing to help them be able to participate in their family’s traditions at Christmas. I’m sure the hundreds of thousands of service men and women stationed in the United States and around the world who are defending McCaskill’s rights and freedoms are sad that they can’t participate in their family’s traditions at Christmas.
How insulting that McCaskill would even make such a statement. As President Barack Obama would say, she “acted stupidly.” Let’s help out Sen. McCaskill and make sure she never again has to be inconvenienced or miss her family’s traditions at Christmas. Vote her out of office in 2012 so she can be at home.
Joy Freeland
Joy Freeland and Marijane Green (12/23, Letters) chastise Sen. Claire McCaskill for feeling “sad” about being away from home for Christmas. I find it small-minded, petty and, yes, a little “sad” that they would attack her for this very human and understandable emotion.
As a Marine combat veteran, let me assure them that we consider it an honor, not an unpleasant chore, to serve our country anywhere at any time. Also, we don’t consider living in unheated tents, on cots, in sleeping bags to be hardships. We call those luxuries.
Sen. McCaskill has as much right to be homesick at Christmas as anyone else. So the next time you want to write some whiny piece about a politician you don’t like, leave the Marines out of it. We don’t like whiners.
Richard McCarstle
So this is the level of political discourse that we are wallowing in. Letter writers Joy Freeland and Marijane Green are so upset with Sen. McCaskill’s comment that she is sad not to be home with family at Christmas time.
May I assume that if the senator said, “Oh, I’m thrilled to be away from my family at Christmas time” it would have made Ms. Freeland and Ms. Green happier?
Give it a rest, ladies, and appreciate what is good in your lives.
Cliff Schiappa
Kansas City