Health Care?
We Keep the Candy, But You Can Have the Wrapper.
No. Wait.
Give Us the Wrapper BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon
It's half past December, and the White House is hell-bent on passing its version of “health insurance reform” out of Congress before the holiday recess. It's not universal. It's not even about delivering health care, it's about bailing out health insurance companies. The legislation will force millions of Americans to buy skimpy private insurance, often with hundreds of dollars a month of their own money under penalty of law. Billions more in government subsidies will be added to the giveaway to help purchase health insurance policies for the bottom half or more of the insurance market.
Like the Obama campaign itself, the public option was never more than a brand. It was a container designed to fit our hopes and dreams just well enough and just long enough to close the deal, an empty wrapper, with little or no candy inside. Our so-called “progressives” in Congress knew all along it was a fraud, but they played along. When "progressive” Democrats were drawing lines in the sand and “fighting for the public option” all spring and summer and fall, they told us it was this humungous public entity that would be open to hundreds of millions, to anybody wanting an alternative to private insurance, and that it would compete with and force the price of private insurance downward. Howard Dean said we should think of the public option as Medicare, only for everybody.
This kind of “public option” was a transparent hoax, as the wonderful blog of PNHP, Physicians for a National Health Plan pointed out last spring. A great candy wrapper.
When the House bill finally passed, and when the outlines of the Senate bill began to emerge, the same progressive congresspeople and commentators told us the public option they had lost was such an itty bitty thing that it didn't matter much, and anyhow they were going to expand Medicare, so wasn't that a “public option,” only better? Of course their version of expanding Medicare was not free medical care with dignity. It would allow only those with very low incomes, no other insurance and no other choices to “buy into” a means-tested, ghettoized version of Medicare. Essentially, since they had cheapened their own brand, the “public option,” beyond redemption they sought to confuse it in the public mind with Medicare, which had more credibility.
The version of “health insurance reform” in play now has no relation to the promises candidate Obama made all during his long campaign for the White House, which he began in 2003 still declaring himself an advocate of single payer. Forcing Americans to buy private insurance, Congressman Dennis Kucinich pointed out, is simply a massive upward transfer of wealth to the insurance and pharmaceutical companies, just as the financial bailouts were a massive upward transfer of wealth to speculators and the financial sector.
Our own best guess is that the reconciliation process will be the chance for progressives to urge the prez to ride to the rescue and restore their candy wrapper, something they can claim is both “public” and “optional”. Obama may oblige them, or maybe not. But a candy wrapper is only a wrapper. It's not the candy.