Edited on Tue Dec-29-09 11:32 PM by TomCADem
Not to mention the Katrina, yet the Republicans are demanding the resignation of Janet Napolitano over one attempted hijacking when Jim Demint is placing holds on appointees who might be pro-union?
The idea that Republicans are somehow more trustworthy on issues of National Security is just laughable, and the fact that media continues to perpetuate this myth, and give Republicans a free pass is amazing. 9/11 takes place, and Dubya's approval ratings went up! President Obama successfully responds to the hijacking of a ship by Somali pirates, and Republicans openly root for failure.
The fact of the matter is that several terrorist plots have quietly disrupted such as the quiet arrests of several participants in terrorists plots earlier this year. However, unlike Dubya, President Obama did not use the arrests to scare Americans as Tom Ridge mentioned with respect to terror alerts in order to gain a political advantage.
President Obama should absolutely review what went wrong, fix it, and demand the immediate appointment of Director of the TSA. However, to use this incident to suggest that Democrats are somehow weak on national security relative to Republicans? Please.