It used to be that terrorists needed airplanes so they could hijack the plane and trade the passengers for some ransom such as releasing a captured terrorist from prison, money etc.
Or they used airplanes for taking down buildings.
But this suspect from UK/Nigeria didn't need an airplane to kill 300+ people. Thus, he didn't need to get through security.
All he needs to do is merely make it to a busy airport on a heavy travel day and he could set a bomb off there. Hell, he could stroll right in with a suitcase packed with explosives.
This is what terrorists do in Israel, where they are effectively kept off planes. They instead blow up buses, cafes, crowded places.
It would still be terrorizing if 300 people were killed in an airport blast versus an airplane blast.
I'm not posting this to give terrorists ideas or cause undue worry. I'm just saying that body scanners may make passengers feel safer but it's not going to solve the problem of terrorists blowing up people.
I'm concerned that not enough is being done to keep would-be terrorists out of the country or to secure areas from terrorists that may already be here.