Ok, assuming Mr. Knickers-Bomb *is* affiliated with some shadowy al Qaeda group
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Wed Dec-30-09 12:33 PM
Original message |
Ok, assuming Mr. Knickers-Bomb *is* affiliated with some shadowy al Qaeda group |
how many of country X's kids do we need to kill in retaliation before you feel your fat, quivering, privileged American asses are "safe"? Just wondering... I welcome your unrec bombs and drones.
Don Caballero
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Wed Dec-30-09 12:34 PM
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1. Al Qaeda in Yemen is taking credit |
We should send black ops into Yemen to destabilize the Al Qaeda leadership. A full scale war would be disastrous at this point.
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Wed Dec-30-09 12:36 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
3. More people would probably be alive if we spent that black op money on cancer research |
Fuck it. Why try anymore?
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Wed Dec-30-09 12:42 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
4. "Al Qeada in Yemen"? Nice orwellian branding. |
As long as we continue to buy into this invisible, shapeshifting, enemy; at once everywhere and nowhere, we will be terrorizing the world ourselves. But you know this. Deep down inside everybody knows this. We're just too frightened to accept it.
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Wed Dec-30-09 12:36 PM
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2. That's really more of a military question |
But I would prefer not to kill any of their kids, unless said kids are in fact terrorists intent on harming the United States. In which case, go ahead and blow them away.
A certain amount of collateral damage is probably inevitable - including some civilian deaths. Hopefully that can be minimized as much as possible.
Oh and I'm not sure the case for military action in this case has been made.
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Wed Dec-30-09 12:44 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
5. Let's hope your family never ends up as "inevitable collateral damage".(n/t) |
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Wed Dec-30-09 01:07 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
12. Fortunately I don't have a family. n/t |
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Wed Dec-30-09 02:10 PM
Response to Reply #12 |
It wasn't until I did have a family that I became aware of my typical American empathy deficit.
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Wed Dec-30-09 12:47 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
A certain amount of collateral damage is probably inevitable - including some civilian deaths. Hopefully that can be minimized as much as possible.
Isn't that precisely what the other side is saying and doing? Killing innocents anywhere only means more innocents will be killed everywhere.
You cannot kill innocent people and claim to be protecting anyone's freedoms. Killing innocent people is a war crime. You cannot have wars on ideas. The war on terror is fucking madness. It is the West that is terrorizing this fucking planet - it has been so for centuries.
Insanity has taken over this planet.
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Wed Dec-30-09 01:04 PM
Response to Reply #8 |
11. Well to answer your question, yes I am serious. |
But there is a difference between saying "We only want to kill enemy combatants but some civilians will probably die as well" and "We want to kill civilians in order to influence the government to do what we want."
My guess is that you will pretend not to see the difference.
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Wed Dec-30-09 02:05 PM
Response to Reply #11 |
13. Don't fool yourself, murder is murder |
Doesn't matter what cause or flag you wrap it in
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Wed Dec-30-09 03:00 PM
Response to Reply #13 |
15. Exactly murder is murder |
If you blow up a bus full of civilians to kill that's murder.
If stray rifle fire hits a civilian, as regrettable as that is, that isn't murder.
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Wed Dec-30-09 04:02 PM
Response to Reply #15 |
16. Good thing the war makers have provided you with easily digestible concepts like |
"acceptable casualities" to put your soul at ease. A few stray bullets... Illegally carpet bombing a sovereign nation, knowing full well doing so will result in extensive or massive civilian casualities, is a willful act of premeditated murder. FAIL.
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Wed Dec-30-09 04:13 PM
Response to Reply #16 |
17. Illegally carpet bombing a soverign nation would be pretty bad |
But fortunately such crude techniques are no longer necessary. There is no way to avoid all civilian casualties, particularly with the type of wars we are involved in now. Unless you wish us to become a pacifist nation.
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Wed Dec-30-09 12:45 PM
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6. It's comments like these that make liberals look like loonies |
99% of America will read stupid comments like this and thank their lucky stars you are no where near the leavers of power.
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Wed Dec-30-09 12:49 PM
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Wed Dec-30-09 12:45 PM
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Wed Dec-30-09 12:47 PM
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:15 PM
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